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frontiers of knowledge中文是什么意思

用"frontiers of knowledge"造句"frontiers of knowledge"怎么读"frontiers of knowledge" in a sentence


  • 知识新领域


  • It is through education that we expand the frontiers of knowledge .
  • Extending the frontiers of knowledge
  • The frontier of knowledge , where it finally borders on the unknown , seems far away and irrelevant , separated from us by an apparently endless expanse of the known
  • Researchers and educators must continue to challenge the frontiers of knowledge and certainly the sciences of soil fertility and plant production provide an exciting potential for such challenges
  • Curiosity is the mother of knowledge . from the discovery of the new world by christopher columbus to the formulation of the theory of evolution by charles darwin after the travel to galapagos archipelago , the spirit of exploration continues to push forward the frontier of knowledge
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